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‘Wave’ of Anti-Israel Municipal Resolutions Pass in Spain With Help of Far-Left Parties

June 25, 2018
‘Wave’ of Anti-Israel Municipal Resolutions Pass in Spain With Help of Far-Left Parties

A “wave” of municipal resolutions hostile to Israel have passed in Spain in recent weeks, following riots in the Gaza Strip and changes in the Spanish political landscape.

The latest declaration, approved by the City Council of Pamplona on Monday, calls on the Spanish government and European Union “to impose an immediate military embargo” on Israel, and blacklists all the country’s officials as “persona non grata” in the city.

The measure passed with the support of Basque nationalist factions and the far-left anti-austerity Podemos party, with the conservative Navarrese People’s Union standing in opposition. The Socialist Party of Navarre — a branch of Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) — abstained.

The PSOE has helmed the Spanish government since earlier this month, when it led the ouster of conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy with a no confidence vote. Its minority government is reliant on the support of Podemos — the third-largest party in parliament — as well as Basque and Catalan secessionists.

Yet before assuming power, the PSOE supported a measure passed in May by the autonomous province of Navarre, which called on the Spanish government to break ties with and sanction Israel over its “criminal repression of the Palestinian population.”

Advanced by activists from Podemos, the declaration expressed support for the “right of return” of Palestinian refugees of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and their five million descendants to Israel. It also endorsed the “Great Return March” led by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas near Gaza’s border with Israel, which drew international attention on May 14 after more than 60 Palestinians — the majority claimed by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members– were killed by Israeli troops.

While some Palestinians were filmed throwing firebombs, burning tires, and flying flaming kites during the riots — and the IDF released footage of Hamas gunmen trying to enter Israeli territory — the Navarre resolution described them as “peaceful.”

The clashes are seen as one of the main drivers behind what the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign in Spain called a “wave” of municipal resolutions against Israel, which recently passed in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Terrassa, and Badalona.

Read More: Algemeiner

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