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Students campaign for UMD College Park to divest from Israel

November 10, 2017
BDS doesn't help Palestinians UMD College Park
Written by Jackson Richman

The BDS movement is hateful, divisive, and ultimately diminishes the chance of peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

The student government at the University of Maryland, College Park is set to vote on a resolution next week to recommend that the school divest from Israel.

petition has been circulating against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions resolution, which is expected to be voted on in the Student Government Association on Nov. 15.

 According to the petition, written collaboratively by leaders of various student organizations, the BDS bill, which is titled “A Resolution to Promote Human Rights by Divesting from Companies that Profit from Investments in Palestine,” calls on the university to divest from companies which are associated with Israel.

“This bill comes at a time when we see an escalation in hate bias incidents on our campus. BDS campaigns create a hostile campus atmosphere that singles out Jewish and pro-Israel students and subjects them to intimidation, bullying, and abuse,” the petition states. “We know that BDS fosters an environment on campus that can lead to anti-Semitism.”

It adds, “This bill de-legitimizes and promotes misinformation about Israel. This is in line with the broader BDS movement, which singles out the Jewish state — the only liberal democracy in a region beset by some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. The BDS movement is hateful, divisive, and ultimately diminishes the chance of peace between Israelis and Palestinians.”

At the time of publication, the petition against this BDS bill had already garnered more than 700 signatures by current students.

UMD President Wallace Loh came out against BDS in 2013, but not everyone at the university has followed suit.

“I think they’re trying to pass the resolution because they think there is a chance it will be recognized by the administration,” UMD senior Judah Eisenman told the Washington Examiner.

Read More: Washington Examiner

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