The Green Party in the southern German state of Bavaria on Saturday passed a resolution rejecting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign because of antisemitism, at the same time urging its party affiliates to pull the plug on BDS activities targeting the Jewish state.
“The BDS campaign is, in its totality, antisemitic, hostile to Israel, reactionary and anti-enlightenment,” stated the text of the resolution.
The resolution noted that “BDS positions and demands delegitimize and demonize Israel and thereby assign all blame for every evil in the region to Jews.”
The document continued, “Israel is the only democratic state and at the same time double standards are applied to Israel when, for example, the criminality of Hamas is ignored or played down.”
The Bavarian Greens said the “call for a boycott reproduces the National Socialist slogan ‘Don’t buy from Jews!’”
The party urged all affiliates of the Greens, including the federal party, which is expected to be in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s new coalition government, to not cooperate with BDS.
The youth organization of the Green Party in Bavaria initiated the anti-BDS resolution. Eva Lettenbauer, a spokeswoman for the Green Youth organization, said the antisemitic BDS campaign “does not recognize Israel’s right to exist” and aggressively attempts to damage Israel via boycotts.
In 2013, Green Party MPs pushed a BDS initiative in the Bundestag to demarcate Israeli products produced in the disputed territories for punishment.
“We especially demand that the Petra-Kelly-Foundation and the Heinrich Böll-Foundation stop every form of cooperation, as well as financial or logistical with BDS groups” and bar such activities in the future, said the Bavarian Greens.
The Heinrich Böll-Foundation is the Green Party’s think tank and has offices across the Middle East.
A Thursday event at the Heinrich Böll-Foundation in Beirut Lebanon titled “50 years of occupation, 50- years of resilience” appears to have involved anti-Israel activists. The pro-Hezbollah moderator, Sahar Mandour, signed a petition against Israel in 2006 stating her support for Hezbollah’s war against Israel. “Our conscious support for the Lebanese national resistance as it wages a war in defense of our sovereignty and independence, a war to release Lebanese imprisoned in Israel,” stated the petition.
Read More: Jerusalem Post
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