BDS News

Divestment hurts academic freedoms

March 6, 2018
No to Divestment
Written by Hayley Nagelberg

“I hope that you will join me in voting “NO”: no to divisiveness, no to discrimination, no to racism, no to Antisemitism and no to an effort that has already been defeated.”

On Feb. 16, Chancellor Robert Jones stated, “the campus and the entire University System are on record in opposition to any boycott of Israeli academic institutions and have opposed divestment measures here in the past.”

Last year, the entire student body voted on Divestment through the UIUC Divest Campaign, and it was voted down by nearly 1,000 votes.

This year, the campaign is back.

UIUC Divest claims to speak for marginalized communities while failing to protect them here on our campus by threatening scholarships, internships and job opportunities.

UIUC Divest is explicitly connected to the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). BDS is not compatible with University policies on academic freedom or with the values set forth in Inclusive Illinois. BDS objects to the sharing of ideas between academics.

UIUC Divest co-opts the platform of human rights with this vague and uncoordinated referendum that seeks to manipulate the student body into supporting their real goal of marginalizing Jewish students, students connected to Israel and minority students at large through BDS.

In its plain text, the referendum co-opts the platform for human rights, while UIUC Divest’s Facebook page and all other materials reflect a clear push for the BDS movement. A vote for this referendum supports the BDS movement without students being informed of what they’re supporting. This referendum is a blank check for discrimination under the guise of responsible investing. There is zero call for oversight, planning or collaboration with all affected groups.

UIUC Divest is hiding their goals and motives. UIUC Divest is co-opting the noble cause of human rights for their own goal.

And this matters tremendously to me and thousands of students on this campus…

Read More: The Daily Illini

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